Nabor House
  New Building Project

Designed by: Olsen and Associates

Building with Bushels

Agricultural donors can give to Nabor House by donating grain directly to the building fund. 

The gift should come from unsold crop inventory, and
is essentially given to Nabor House to sell. When you
deliver grain, Nabor House should be listed as the
seller, and not as a split off the donor’s settlement
sheet. Nabor House must also pay any applicable
elevator charges.

When you make your grain gift, keep on file a letter to Nabor House summarizing the source of your gift; you will also receive a letter acknowledging the gift from Nabor House, for your files. These letters could
serve as a sales receipt in the FSA yield verification process for the gifted grain, since grain sales documents would not be in your name, but rather in that of Nabor House.

If you would like to support the Nabor House building program with this option, please contact your accountant and Brad Stewart for complete details. You can also visit
and search for “charitable yields” for further details.